Help! I'm drowning in ignorance!

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Help! I'm drowning in ignorance!

Postby NamVet » March 02 2006, 20:26 PM

Until January of last year, I had a SpaceOrb that worked perfectly with my Windows 98, and I was very happy. Last January, my home burned to the ground and it has taken me until this year to get another one. The problem I have is that my new computers all use XP and I have no idea of how to make them work with the Orb. I have downloaded some of your programing, but my computer refuses to recognize that it is there. Can anyone help me, or should I just give up?

Also; is there anything that makes it work with Quake 4? I am a Quake addict, and have replaced all of my games but Quake 1. It's the only game series I enjoy playing.

Thanks for any consideration,

Mike Kilgus

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Joined: February 27 2006, 14:42 PM
Location: Georgia

Postby Talan » March 04 2006, 6:45 AM

Really sorry to hear that, Mike. It's a homeowner's worst nightmare. I hope your insurance company took good care of you.

As for the orb, the only drivers I am aware of are to be found at but they are gettting a little dated. Birdman is working on a new front-end which should be ready soon.

I do believe that someone has come up with a config for Quake IV, if memory from the old forums serves me. Birdman is updating the website and, as you can see, the forums, so hopefully the links to the game configs will show back up soon.

Good luck with your orb! Let us know how it works out for you.

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Location: Georgia

Postby Talan » March 04 2006, 7:00 AM

Here's the link to the old files section:

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Postby countryatheart » March 04 2006, 13:00 PM

Hi Mike, for instructions on installing Victor’s HIDSPORB Driver and Jay’s Spaceware go to and scroll down to February 19, 2003. Jay’s latest Spaceware is at Patches & files, My Home DSL, win2k XP, Drivers and download setup.exe. You can also do download Victor’s there also. Jay’s latest Spaceware also supports Quake 4. I hope this helps.



Thanks for your support

Postby NamVet » March 10 2006, 17:30 PM

Thanks, all, for your help on this. I haven't yet had the time to try to get all of this to work, but I will. You've been of great help to me and I appreciate it.

I did have good insurance, and I have been able to replace most of everything I lost.

Thanks again,

Mike Kilgus

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