Where can I buy a pre-assembled OrbShield?

SpaceOrb motion sensor technology is the name of the game...
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Where can I buy a pre-assembled OrbShield?

Postby cookymonzta » May 17 2012, 3:16 AM

For years I have been reading about the use of a board called the OrbShield in conjunction with the Arduino Uno board, to facilitate the use of a Spacetec SpaceOrb without the use of the SpaceOrb's software, since none of the software will work properly with Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7.

I have two SpaceOrbs, one of which I bought in 2000, the other in 2007. I have an Arduino Uno 1.0 board, and I intend to use my SpaceOrb with WinXP and Win7. I have seen the following Web site where there are parts for an OrbShield for $24.95:


Is there a Web site, or a way, that I can buy an OrbShield already assembled? I imagine it would cost me anywhere from $25 up to perhaps $40 for a pre-assembled OrbShield.

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Joined: March 19 2006, 14:43 PM

Re: Where can I buy a pre-assembled OrbShield?

Postby Agent_13 » June 01 2012, 3:41 AM

Just buy the kit and have a friend with some soldering skills assemble it for you. Its an easy 10 minute job. The tricky part is on the software side of things but only if you want to tweak the sensitivity and functionality. Give it a go, you won't be sorry.

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